java.lang.Object 实现Closeable public class TestProxyTestServer implements Closeable一个简单的 HttpServer 单元测试测试代理基础结构。构造函数摘要 展开表 构造函数说明 TestProxyTestServer() 测试代理测试服务器的构造函数 ...
proxy.listen(9999,function(){console.log('PROXY Server Listening'); }); proxy.on('connect',function(port, host, socket){vartime =newDate().toISOString().substr(0,19).replace('T','');console.log('[%s] From %s to %s:%s', time, socket.remoteAddress, host, port); }); Test Proxy...
Proxy Server Address: Protocol: HTTPS Authentication: NO [42:59] Starting: Test 1: Connection to the Proxy Server [42:59] IP Address: [42:59] Connection established [42:59] Test passed. [42:59] Starting: Test 2: Connection through the Proxy Server [42:59]...
Creates a list of sanitizer requests to be sent to the test proxy server. static String getTestProxyVersion(Path testClassPath) Finds the test proxy version in the source tree. static List<TestProxySanitizer> loadSanitizers() Registers the default set of sanitizers for sanitizing request ...
To specify a proxy server In the Web Performance Test Editor go to the request tree and select the root node. The root node will be the name of the Web performance test. In the Properties window, find theProxyproperty and enter a valid proxy server name. Ask your network administrator for...
Return to main site Search [retired] How to: Specify a Proxy Server for a Web Performance Test Save Add to Collections Add to Plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Print Article 12/08/2014 This topic has been merged with others. Please go toQ: Why can’t I access a website outsid...
testproxy.js README MIT license testproxy Connect from (mobile) devices to your locally running, non public websites If you are running a webserver as localhost, with a local webserver or in a virtual machine or container like VirtualBox, VMware, Vagrant or Docker, you can't always access...
Applies to:Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019, Exchange Online -RPCProxyServer 此参数仅在基于云的服务中可用。 RPCProxyServer 参数指定本地 Exchange 服务器的 RPC 代理服务器的 FQDN。 不使用自动发现参数时,此参数是必需的。 如果计划执行分阶段 Exchange 迁移或直接转换 Exchan...
-RPCProxyServer 此參數只能在雲端式服務中使用。 RPCProxyServer 參數會指定內部部署 Exchange 伺服器之 RPC Proxy 伺服器的 FQDN。 當您不使用自動探索參數時,需要此參數。 如果您打算執行分段 Exchange 移轉或完全轉換 Exchange 移轉,以將信箱移轉至Exchange Online,請使用此參數。
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