书名:Test Prep: Grade 1 Flash Kids 测试卷一年级 读者对象:5岁及以上作者:Flash Kids Editors出版社名称:Sterling出版时间:2013语种:英语ISBN:9781411403970商品尺寸:21.3 x 1 x 27.4 cm包装:平装页数:128(以实物为准)★美国小学生的主流教辅 ...
当当瑞雅图书专营店在线销售正版《Flash Kids英语预测卷一年级 英文原版 Test Prep Grade 1美国小学生教辅教材 哈考特家庭英文练习册Harcourt Family Learning系列》。最新《Flash Kids英语预测卷一年级 英文原版 Test Prep Grade 1美国小学生教辅教材 哈考特家庭英文练习册
The likelihood of prepping increases for each grade, with 42% of 12th graders but only 8% of 9th graders participating. Black non-Hispanic students are more likely to participate in test prep, and there are also significant interaction effects of race and grade level on prep, with black ...
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CCAT Test Grade 1 Prep: CCAT Level 7 Practice Tests & Tips4.9 7 Reviews Your child is preparing for the CCAT Grade 1, and we're here to transform test preparation from a challenge to an opportunity! Our carefully designed prep pack addresses the exact concerns every parent has about ...
Grade 1 Mercer Publishing's CogAT practice tests are the #1 cognitive abilities test prep materials available for testing into your schools TAG (talented and gifted) or GATE program. Each practice test is designed with the same format and number of questions as the actual exam. Each practice te...
The practice materials on our prep packs cover all the subjects found on the CogAT grade 1. Keep reading to get a complete overview of the CogAT 1st-grade test.CogAT 1st Grade Essential Pack Extended Pack Family Membership $89 One-Time Payment Start Preparing Now Money back guarantee 6 Month...
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