Design your app Tools and SDKs Overview Tools Teams Toolkit for Visual Studio Code Teams Toolkit overview Install Teams Toolkit Explore Teams Toolkit Prepare to build apps using Teams Toolkit Prepare to build apps using Teams Toolkit Prerequisites for creating your Teams app ...
Connect the SUT to the port labeled as J1 on USB Type-C ConnEx. Connect the proxy controller to USB Type-C ConnEx. Connect peripherals to USB Type-C ConnEx. Power on the SUT and log on to Windows. At an elevated Command prompt, run the CXLOOP.CMD script. When script pauses, ...
-Xrunjdwp使JVM使用(Java debug wire protocol)运行调试环境,该参数包含一系列的调试选项。 transport指定了调试数据的传送方式,dt_socket是指用SOCKET模式,另有dt_shmem指用共享内存方式,其中,dt_shmem只适用于Windows平台。 address调试服务器暴露出给客户端连接的端口号,可任意设置。非启动端口。 server=y/nJVM ...
Windows (cmd.exe) set CI=true&&npm test set CI=true&&npm run build (Note: the lack of whitespace is intentional.) Linux, macOS (Bash) CI=true npm test CI=true npm run build The test command will force Jest to run tests once instead of launching the watcher. If you find yourself do...
functionGet-MSBuildCmd{process{$StartInfo=New-ObjectSystem.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo;$StartInfo.Filename = ${Env:ProgramFiles(x86)} +"\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Installer\\vswhere.exe"$StartInfo.Arguments =" -latest -requires Microsoft.Component.MSBuild -find MSBuild\\**\\Bin\\MSBuild.exe"$...
开放端口号:firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp(只能在防火墙开启的情况下开放端口) 6、将要查看的文件放到webapps/ROOT/re.html这里,浏览器直接访问http://就可以看到了 ---windows配置tomcat环境--- 1、下载...
In the sidebar, "Test Automation as a Custom Shell," we demonstrate how to port UI test automation to a Windows XP Embedded system when you've decided to use a non-custom primary shell. In the next section, we will present a more sophisticated approach for porting test automation when usi...
On the Internet Connection Firewall Agreement page, select Yes I will allow a port to be opened, and then click Next. Note If the Internet Connection Firewall Agreement page doesn't appear, Windows Software Firewall isn't installed, or another software firewall or hardware firewall is insta...
8. Windows Terminal进行优化,采用统一的主题风格和oh-my-posh进行增强; 9. 增加openvpn、proxychains等工具,工具数量已增加至180+,后续需要新增的工具可在issue中进行提交; 10. 2.2版本新增内网渗透工具和远程管理工具等 11. 删除了部分已不再维护或基本不用的工具; 12. 添加CMD Alias,命令行工具直接在CMD命令行...