Understanding whether collective nouns take singular or plural verbs depends on their meaning in the sentence. Rate this question: 466 11. Which sentence has proper subject-verb agreement? A. The team are winning the championship this year. B. The number of errors were alarming. C. ...
The incorrect options ("go," "going," and "gone") do not follow the rules of subject-verb agreement or tense consistency for the sentence structure, making "goes" the only valid choice. Rate this question: 18. Select the correct adjective: The movie was ___ than I expected. A. Mo...
When doing a question, first figure out what is the subject of the sentence.Then decide if the subject is singular or plural. Use the rules. Lastly, decide which verb form will match with the subject.Note 1: When two verb answers agree with the subject, then the verb TENSE must be ...
It is stated that “applicants should be planning to study a subject related to development” Therefore, the answer for Q38 must be development”. Questions 39-40 Answer the following questions about Overseas Students Research Awards, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. What is ...
SubjectVerbAgreement Quiz Test1Test2Test3 Answers1 Answers2 Answers3 Test1 1.Thepriceofthesejeansisarereasonable.2.Thebooksborrowedfromthelibraryisareonmydesk.3.Theboywhowonthetwomedalsisareafriendofmine.4.Breadandbutterisareourdailyfood.5.Thefamoussingerandcomposerhashavearrived.6.Collectingmatch-boxes...
For the verbal ability section, start by expanding your vocabulary and recognizing correct tenses, subject/verb agreement, and commonly confused homophones such as there/their/they’re. Always be sure to check that your answer makes logical sense and can be understood. To learn more about how to...
You can find:- Alphabet, Letters, Pronunciation, General Vocabulary, Elementary Grammar, The Sentence, Tenses, Questions and Sentences of Daily Use, Play-way Revision, Common Errors, Voice, Agreement of Verb and Subject, Narration, Formation and Usage of Words, Punctuation, The Participle and the...
Select the one with a compound subject: A. A fool and his money are easily parted. B. You can fool too many of the people too much of the time. 34 not attemptedSelect the compound verb: A. was thinking B. he thought C. happy thoughts 35 not attemptedSelect the concrete ...
ChoiceBisthebestanswerbecauseitprovidessubject-verbagreementand thuscreatesagrammaticallycorrectandcoherentsentence. ChoiceAisincorrectbecausetheverb“hasscored”doesnotcorrespond withthepluralsubject“students.”Similarly,ChoiceCisincorrectbecause theverb“scores”wouldcorrespondwithasingularsubject,butnottheplu- ralsubj...
Subject/verb agreement Repetitive words or phrases Poor sentence structure or run on sentences Improper use of a vocabulary word Make sure you read slowly and carefully over what you have written. This will help you catch any mistakes and allow you to correct as much as you can within the ...