[INFO] +- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-test:jar:2.3.0.RELEASE:test [INFO] | +- com.jayway.jsonpath:json-path:jar:2.4.0:test [INFO] | | +- (net.minidev:json-smart:jar:2.3:test - omitted for conflict with 1.3.1) => dependency is net.minidev:json-smart:jar:2.3:te...
[INFO] +- org.apache.velocity:velocity:jar:1.5:compile [INFO] | \- (commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.1:compile - omitted for conflict with 3.2.1) [INFO] \- net.sf.json-lib:json-lib:jar:jdk15:2.4:compile [INFO] \- (commons-collections:commons-collections:jar:3.2.1:compile...
13.0:compile ... [INFO] +- org.springframework.data:spring-data-cassandra:jar:1.3.2.RELEASE:compile [INFO] |+- org.springframework.data:spring-cql:jar:1.3.2.RELEASE:compile [INFO]| |+- (org.springframework:spring-context:jar:4.1.9.RELEASE:compile - omittedforconflict with4.1.6.RELEASE)...
("container name %s is a reserved for decoration. please specify a different container name that does not conflict with pod utility container names", container.Name)) } } } for i := range spec.Containers { envNames := sets.Set[string]{} for _, env := range spec.Containers[i].Env ...
et al. studied a microbial fuel cell (MFC) for a buoy with the function of measuring the air temperature, pressure, relative humidity, and water temperature, and they configured it as a real-time line-of-sight RF telemetry data device. This MFC was used to power the meteorological buoy ...
Added new configuration file parameter CHECKMEMSPEED for verifying whether the configured memory speed is consistent with one of the SPD profiles or an arbitrary minimum speed specified by the user. If this check fails, an error message is displayed and the memory test will not start. This is ...
responsesin vitro. Another possibility is that the lowered sensitivity of the MNviv test is the result of cells with damaged chromosomes being required to complete a full round of replication, which is not possible for cells with severely damaged chromosomes, before the micronuclei can be ...
In the previous section, we evaluated test generation algorithms with respect to the size and complexity of test suites. However, testing usually is performed to detect errors in an implementation. Thus, the complexity may not be the only quality criterion which is important for a test suite. ...
In the GUI version, the system starts “clean” and uninitialized, whereas u-boot initializes many SoC features outside the knowledge of the DDR stress test and may conflict with the stress test operation When running the u-boot version, the test will overwrite the contents of u-boo...
Therefore it needs to be prefixed with ::testing::Test:: if used outside of the TEST body and the test fixture class. key must be a valid XML attribute name, and cannot conflict with the ones already used by GoogleTest (name, status, time, classname, type_param, and value_param)...