Hi, my name is Jason. I'm here to help make your games, apps and webpages next level! I have been gaming for almost 35 years and have many years of experience with apps, game and website development. If you have any questions, please ask! I have a long standing steam account. I...
After testing your game/app I will provide you with a full review of my experience and possible ways to improve your game/appas a user. Let's work together to make something great! Testing type Beta testing Bug discovery Usability testing ...
Can My PC Run It? With our hardware detector, you can quickly and easily find games that work on your computer.Can I run it?We will tell you every game your desktop or laptop can run! Gaming gear Our system requirements pages are packed with real-worldbenchmark testFPS data from users...
i soon founf myself with the inability to move or shoot making the rest of the game i little pointless but i think if this was fixed the game would be a very good game to pass time. also the sound are cool i really like them. so here is a list of improvements i can think of....
My Abandonware > Racing / Driving > Test Drive Unlimited Test Drive Unlimited Windows - 2007 Alt nameTDU Year2007 PlatformWindows Released inAustralia, Brazil, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Russia, Slovakia, United States GenreRacing / Driving ...
Zdominuj swoich przeciwników w trybie rankingowym zaprojektowanym z myślą o wyścigach. Od rangi brązowej do Solar King/Queen, twoje postępy będą w równym stopniu wymagające i satysfakcjonujące, z szeregiem ekskluzywnych nagród dostępnych dla tych, którzy szukaj...
Later because i test my engine without machine emulator and i have two pc, one for coding and other for test, but the pc who have intel core i7 is the coding pc. Ans i want to know other thing, about MAX vertices can be managed by graphic card. I know the Z-buf...
I just bought a new computer, and I moved my game's project here (older pc's OS was WIndows7, this one is Windows10). I tried this on many computers, with many OSs, but, for some reasons, when I try to Play Test (or... Nick Horizon Thread Sep 30, 2016 black screen crash ...
"PC speaker", .eviocgname = "PC Speaker", .bus_type = 0x0010, /* BUS_ISA */ .vendor_id = 0x001f, .product_id = 0x0001, .version = 0x0100, .expected = SDL_UDEV_DEVICE_UNKNOWN, /* SYN, SND */ .ev = { 0x01, 0x00, 0x04 }, }, { .name = "HDA Digital PCBeep", ....
The editor will open up. You can start tinkering. To run the game press F5 or the play icon in the corner Modding wiki This game will stay open source. You can use this as a learning resource, help me expand it or use as a base for your own game.About...