Mantoux has to be measured on day 3, and its the induration that is measured, not redness. the induration, might not be seen with naked eyes, however it has to be felt and measured. BCG taken in childhood can cause a false positive mantoux. however, it is unlikely. more likely would ...
Interference Point: Approximately 30 seconds after the beginning, when the titular footage would normally be "interrupted" by a surreal advertisement for fictional allergy medication Claridryl. Result: A brief message reading "ADVERTISEMENTS BLOCKED BY ☽☽☽ TACTICAL AD-BLOCKER" appears in the ...
Literally all of my answers were A….. but with me it’s just worse because I have something with my ears that make it that all sounds are heightened and that my frequency levels are wider which is annoying on its own but with the sounds some people make it just makes me go crazy I...
Literally all of my answers were A….. but with me it’s just worse because I have something with my ears that make it that all sounds are heightened and that my frequency levels are wider which is annoying on its own but with the sounds some people make it just makes me go crazy I...