Make a test call To make a test call, select your profile picture, thenSettings>Devices. ChooseMake a test callunderAudio devices. In a test call, you'll see how y...
After the last update of MS Teams, it appears that Test Call has gone away.. Anyone knows where it is ? thank you in advance! Some further information around usage patterns. Not sure if this helps your user case or not but I had a meeting the other day which was hosted from an...
如果返回的套件列表不完整,则用于查询下一批套件的继续标记将作为“x-ms-continuationtoken”包含在响应标头中。 省略此参数可获取第一批测试套件。 asTreeView boolean 如果返回的套件应位于树结构中。 返回 Promise<PagedList<TestSuite>> getTestVariableById(string, number) 按ID 获取测试变量。 TypeScript 复制 ...
durationInMs: number 屬性值 number errorMessage 測試執行中的錯誤訊息。 TypeScript 複製 errorMessage: string 屬性值 string exceptionType 例外狀況類型 TypeScript 複製 exceptionType: string 屬性值 string executionNumber 執行編號 TypeScript 複製 executionNumber: number 屬性值 number failing...
Get-CsTeamsAppSetupPolicy Get-CsTeamsAudioConferencingPolicy Get-CsTeamsCallHoldPolicy Get-CsTeamsCallingPolicy Get-CsTeamsCallParkPolicy Get-CsTeamsChannelsPolicy Get-CsTeamsClientConfiguration Get-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingApplication Get-CsTeamsComplianceRecordingPolicy Get-CsTeamsCortanaPolicy Get-CsTeamsEduca...
varsut =newBookingDialog();vartestClient =newDialogTestClient(Channels.Msteams, sut);varreply =awaittestClient.SendActivityAsync<IMessageActivity>("hi"); Assert.Equal("Where would you like to travel to?", reply.Text); reply =awaittestClient.SendActivityAsync<IMessageActivity>("Seattle"); Asser...
Test-CsPstnPeerToPeerCall [-TargetFqdn] <String> [-ReceiverSipAddress <String>] [-RegistrarPort <Int32>] [-SenderSipAddress <String>] [-Force] [-Verbose] [-OutVerboseVariable <String>] [-Authentication <AuthenticationMechanism>] [-OutLoggerVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]Power...
Grant-CsTeamsUpgradePolicy Grant-CsThirdPartyVideoSystemPolicy Grant-CsUserServicesPolicy Grant-CsVoicePolicy Grant-CsVoiceRoutingPolicy Import-CSAnnouncementFile Import-CsCertificate Import-CsCompanyPhoneNormalizationRules Import-CsConfiguration Import-CsDeviceUpdate Import-CsLegacyConferenceDirectory Import-CsLegacy...
Microsoft MS-700: Job Roles for Successful Test Takers As mentioned above, the Microsoft MS-700 exam is intended for those who want to pursue a career as a Teams Administrator. These specialists can handle the entire Teams workload, or they can be delegated to fix call quality problems or ...
Like project planning or test planning, automation planning is important to ensure that teams are not jumping into automation scripting without considering the relevant factors. These factors are critical for providing accurate estimates, deciding the right framework, choosing the right approach, enabling...