The Mercedes Benz GLC gets a 2.0-litre, four-cylinder turbo-petrol producing 245hp and 370Nm of torque, which seems more than adequate for a car weighing close to 1.9 tons. The engine is highly responsive and it feels like a V6. The older models had a 7G tronic gearbox. However, the...
coupe, Mercedes fits slightly stiffer springs, dampers, and bushings and quickens the steering ratio from 16:1 in the standard GLC300 to 15:1 in the GLC300 coupe. Suspension geometry is unchanged. (Engineers told us they expect the Mercedes-AMG GLC43 to feature more aggressive chassis ...
在新一代GLC/GLC Coupe問世之後,偏好熱血快感的三芒星愛好者們想必都開始期待AMG性能版本的推出,而台灣賓士當然也不會讓這些死忠買家失望,在原廠發表尚未屆滿一年之際,我們已經能夠上路體驗Mercedes-AMG GLC 43 4Matic Coupe的性能魅力…… 與原廠於去年7月中旬的發表節奏相同,台灣賓士於今年6月18日透過新聞稿宣告...
When we’ve driven it in Merc’s sporty stuff we’ve never found it that personable or engaging (see Mercedes SLC43 and Mercedes C43), while in the E-Class it seems to have to work too hard to be satisfying. However, this is the sweet spot. GLC + 43 = good car. I’m as ...
Mercedes GLC 300e/de 20 其他 合计 Sm art Smart Fortwo EV 来源:孚能科技公司公告,EV sales,国金证券研究所 来源:孚能科技公司公告,中国汽车动力电池产业创新联盟,国金证券研究所 动力类型 BEV BEV BEV BEV BEV BEV BEV BEV BEV PHEV PHEV PHEV PHEV PHEV PHEV BEV PHEV BEV PHEV BEV 销量(万辆) 9.96...
43 Series 是 Mercedes-AMG 部门新推出的一个车系,在这个车系里搭载的引擎都是3.0L的双涡轮引擎,由此可见动力表现肯定是很不错的,而 Mercedes-AMG GLC43 就是这个全新系列的家族成员之一,这款人气SUV采用了动力更强的引擎之后表现值得期待! 因为有着 AMG 之名,因此 GLC43 在外观上和一般的 GLC43 整体轮廓是...