It’s also Mercedes showing how it went above and beyond to build cars stronger than required. For this test, for example, Euro NCAP requires a frontal impact using a 1,400kg ‘trolley’ fitted with an aluminium honeycomb barrier to replicate the front of another car. Merc used a three-t...
為了快速建立起完整的EQ純電車系陣容,Mercedes自EQS之後便馬不停蹄地陸續推出EQE、EQS SUV、EQE SUV、EQA、EQB等不同車型,而同樣致力推廣電動化的台灣賓士繼2022年初引進EQS之後,更在9月下旬一口氣發表EQA、EQB與此次試駕的EQE,兩款中、大型純電SUV亦預計於2023年第2季末抵台上市,搶攻新興純電市場的企圖心十分...