Compared to Use Case 1, the basic concept of the automation approach remains the same, whilst the data nodes in this model have a high duplicating character, as the measuring devices for each household or PV system may have a relatively similar data structure containing several analog ...
Local site conditions may influence the presence and survival of populations in this border zone [28]. The dispersed distribution pattern renders the climatic determination of critical limits very elusive. Therefore, two approaches were foreseen for its estimation: (a) identifying trends of growth ...
However, the substructure of a conventional prefabricated bridge usually needs to cast a bearing platform between pier and column, and may not give full play to the advantages of prefabricated bridge construction. Given the engineering characteristics that most of the pile foundations in the bridge ...
Hiện nay, thị trường thiết bị kiểm tra RF chủ yếu được thúc đẩy bởi các ứng dụng liên lạc ngày càng tăng của RF như di động, viễn thông vô tuyến, băng thông rộng, vệ tinh, radar...
Sci. 2022, 12, 9301 5 of 17 The surface layer of the coal rock may be disturbed during excavation. In order to eliminate the influences, a test pit with the depth of 1 m was excavated downward from the Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIwEWor king plane,...
[57], and Ishihara and Yamazaki [29], may not reflect the differences in liquefaction triggering between a one-directional simple test and a corresponding uni-directional simple shear test under the same testing conditions. 1. Generally, the amplitude of shear displacement has a significant effect...
This may be due to the fact that pre-curing promotes the formation of matrix gels (N-A-S-H, C-A-S-H), which leads to a higher density of GP mortar and better adhesion to the steel bars. (3) No difference in chloride ion diffusion coefficients was observed between the steam curing...
Tinhsetrutemmepnteraauttuomrea-tmicealalysuring fisibnertteeeormmctiosbpprdareeorrrsaarkttatehuunnerrgeehaemmtedateeathaalselsoouunbarrdeogemtmtothoefenemntthtfmeufoolfohllndeosaipitzototeeifrrc.,toaFhfllfieonfithwaUbele,l-yrTaU,niut-shdTbceueionC,bnlaTeentRel(ec2Tant6nSeg0dditsmhotpou)ol...
In Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan, 28 May–10 June 2000; pp. 1083–1088. 26. Fisher, A. A mathematic examination of the methods of determining the accuracy of an observation by the mean error and by the mean square error. Mon. Not. R. Astron....
Active flame retardants may act in the condensed (or solid) phase or in the gas phase or as a combination of both. In the condensed phase, the FR action typically results in enhanced char formation whereas in the gas phase the FR undergoes thermal breakdown to form compounds that can lead...