Del Coates loves driving his new Lexus CT200h through the windy roads near his Northern California home. He is enjoying sports handling, premium interior, and impressive design without paying a fortune for the gasoline. With the Prius hybrid system inside, the Lexus CT200h is rated at 42 mpg...
Lexus CT200h上市一年,創造出2400輛的銷售佳績,完整的Hybrid技術與個性化外觀,消費客層幾乎大小通吃,在掀背車的誘使下,運動化外觀與底盤的加持當然有必要,原廠特別推出了F Sport版本,強化底盤與外觀。 除了更迷人的造型之外,經過調整的運動化底盤,搭配17吋輪圈升級,前輪的表現更穩定且犀利,後輪受限於車身重量加上輪...
In the scorching sun, each and every customer who took a test drive in the CT200h felt both wonder and passion for Lexus’ latest luxury hybrid. lexus.com.cn 越野车区域辅以专业的试驾教具, 让来宾在紧张的气氛中亲身感受到LEXUS雷克萨斯无往不前的动力性能;而轿车区域的翘楚无疑非CT20 0h莫属,...
虽然雷克萨斯将CT200h定位为一辆运动型混合动力车,但它的实际性能数据对于真正追求驾驶乐趣的消费者并没有吸引力。 关键字:雷克萨斯CT200h 雷克萨斯 紧凑级车 混合动力 CT200H 试驾 试驾新一代捷达NCS 即将形成四代同堂 10:02汽车点评网 高尔夫是一个传奇产品,而作为其三厢车型的捷达,自然也充满了传奇味道。性能...
Lexus HS250h hybrid. The MZK has 8.8 more cubic feet of passenger room than the Lexus HS250h and still delivers better mileage. In Spring 2011, however, Lexus is again expected to take the lead at 42 mpg combined with the new CT200h compact hatchback. The Lexus CT200h allows drivers ...
In the scorching sun, each and every customer who took a test drive in the CT200h felt both wonder and passion for Lexus’ latest luxury hybrid. lexus.com.cn 越野车区域辅以专业的试驾教具 ,让来宾在紧张的气氛中亲身感受到LEXUS雷克萨斯无往不前的动力性能;而轿车区域的翘楚无疑非CT2 00h莫属,...
In the scorching sun, each and every customer who took a test drive in the CT200h felt both wonder and passion for Lexus’ latest luxury hybrid. lexus.com.cn 越野车区域辅以专业的试驾教具, 让来宾在紧张的气氛中亲身感受到LEXUS雷克萨斯无往不前的动力性能;而轿车区域的翘楚无疑非CT20 0h莫属,...