According to the performed tests, the shear resistance Rt of orthopaedic screws is nearly 33% lower than of monolithic bars of the same core size.doi:10.12913/22998624/68405Patrycja RuszniakJerzy JózwikDawid OstrowskiKrzysztof DziedzicAdvances in Science and Technology Research Journal...
Download keyboard_arrow_down Browse Figures Versions Notes Abstract Accurate and reasonable matching design is a current and difficult point in electric vehicle research. This paper presents a parameter optimization method for the power system of a medium-sized bus based on the combination of the ...
The bat species investigated herein belongs to the genus Mormopterus, which includes two other species in the SWIO region, M. francoismoutoui and M. jugularis, endemic to La Réunion and Madagascar, respectively. Recently, research conducted on these three molossid bats has shown that they she...
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doi:10.1134/S102144371801003XChesnokov, Yu. V.Mirskaya, G. V.Kanash, E. V.Kocherina, N. V.Rusakov, D. V.Lohwasser, U.B?rner, A.Pleiades PublishingRussian Journal of Plant Physiology