React测试库中使用id而不是data-testid的原因是为了与HTML标准保持一致。在HTML中,id是唯一标识元素的属性,而data-testid是自定义的属性,用于测试目的。使用id作为测试选择器可以更好地与现有的HTML和CSS规范集成,并且更符合开发者的直觉。 使用id作为测试选择器的优势包括: 唯一性:id在整个HTML文档中必须是唯一的...
构建一个 web 应用对于我们来说,并非什么难事。因为有很多足够多优秀的的前端框架(比如 React,Vue ...
ESLint plugin to enforce testIDs on React Native Components. Latest version: 2.0.1, last published: a year ago. Start using eslint-plugin-react-native-enforce-testid in your project by running `npm i eslint-plugin-react-native-enforce-testid`. There are
//"> Vending Machine Change Calculator Calculate the Change for a Given Price and Cash Received // your solution will go here! test('getChange(1,1) should equal [] - an empty array', function(assert) { var result = getChange...
// executed once, before the tests await setup(); it('button--basic', async () => { // filled in with data for the current story const context = { id: 'button--basic', title: 'Button', name: 'Basic' }; // playwright page await page.goto(...
toBeInTheDocument()This allows you to assert whether an element is present in the document or not.ExamplesHtml Element <svg data-testid="svg-element"></svg>expect( getByTestId(document.documentElement, 'html-element'), ).toBeInTheDocument() expect(getByTestId(document.documentElement, 'svg-...
I am trying to test headphones to order for staff who sit in open cubicles. When I go to 'Make a test call' to check out the sound quality of the microphone,...
310 declare function wrapInTestApp(Component: ComponentType | ReactNode, options?: TestAppOptions): ReactElement; 311 /** 312 * Renders a component inside a Backstage test app, providing a mocked theme 313 * and app context, along with mocked APIs. ...
npx --package react-native-test-app@latest init In this example, we will create a project named "sample" insamplewith apps for all platforms: ✔ What is the name of your test app? … sample ? Which platforms do you need test apps for? › Instructions: ↑/↓: Highlight option ←...
react-scripts is a development dependency in the generated projects (including this one).You almost never need to update create-react-app itself: it delegates all the setup to react-scripts.When you run create-react-app, it always creates the project with the latest version of react-scripts ...