the solar radiation level, according to values equal to 15–20 ◦C in the summer season and about 10–15 ◦C in the winter season for solar radiation levels exceeding 600 W/m2; while, on an annual basis, for radiation levels lower than 200 W/m2 the value is equal to 3–7 ◦C...
cfikl-eblfoocrkmfaactebs.yTtohtehips raoimpr, itehtearrmyasl oimftawgeasre and a Tmhaetrrimxeaslfrtoimme.c-ssvertioe.sAwSCeIrIefileexftorramctaetdbybtyhespelreocptreidetacroynstorfotwl aproeianntds aon the georPehfeyrteoncceodmimpilaegdescfroi...