颠覆传统 富士GFX 50S相机评测 无反系统自M4/3发起,逐渐蔓延到1英寸、APS-C、全画幅,直到去年这种形态才真正进军中画幅,哈苏在6月推出首款中画幅无反相机X1D,而传闻已久的富士也于9月宣布开发GFX 50S,并在今年1月正式发布。如今GFX 50S样机已经送达色影无忌编辑部,小编为此非常感谢卓美网提供样机进行测试。 之所以...
We are really disappointed after looking at the Moire test results of Fuji GFX 50S medium format camera. Whereas the full frame sensor based Nikon D810 camera showing well controlled images without any Moire pattern. Also look at –Fuji Working on Ultimate X-Trans Camer|Sony A7R II showing mor...
Nikon D850 Dynamic range published by dpreview team, the camera is outperforming even Fuji GF50s Medium format camera. The extended ISO 64 is surely one of the biggest advantage of Nikon D850. Nikon D850 vs Fuji GFX 50S As you can see in the image the base ISO test of both camera ...
at base ISO (64 for X2D, 100 for GFX 100S), the two cameras are within 0.2 stops of having the same sensitivity. Once you correct for that, Bill’s curves for the two cameras are nearly on top of each other. So the Fuji Rumors claim is at best misleading, and at worst just plai...
Fuji GFX lenses perform brilliantly, others not as well. Some have silent internal stepping motors like the 32-64mm zoom and 50mm “pancake” while others have a moving front element with larger, slower motor behind it. This is a similar situation to Fuji’s X-mount lenses. Some hav...
XPimage宾得67 PENTAX67镜头适配器富士中画幅无反相机GFX 50S 50R 100S减焦增光0.71X转接环 立即购买 声明:此商品数据来源由淘宝官方接口提供,本网站不参与交易,如有疑问请联系卖家客服,如需删除此页面请联系本站>> 店铺信息 图色数码专营店 宝贝描述 4.7低...
颠覆传统 富士GFX 50S相机评测 1.白平衡测试 下面我们看一下白平衡表现,首先看看白平衡,由于在室内评测,编辑选择自动、白炽灯、手动分别拍摄。 自动 白炽灯 手动 从结果上看自动白平衡偏暖,白炽灯稍微冷点。如果用户需要较为准确的白平衡,建议使用手动模式。