6、设置FTP目录 mkdir/home/ftproot//创建FTP目录 chmod-R777/home/ftproot//递归地给此目录下所有文件和子目录的读、写、执行权限 chgrp-Rftp/home/ftproot//递归地把此目录及该目录下所有文件和子目录的组属性设置成ftp组 倡萌注:如果在ftp用户的主目录中的子目录无法进行上传、删除等操作,需要重新使用chmod...
TEST_FTP_001 37 简介 会员尊享更多权益 热剧抢先看 帧享影音 院线新片 首季仅28元,立即抢购 TA的视频 04:08 未命名速剪合成草稿 2025-03-07 18:36 04:08 tifatest112121视频 2025-03-07 11:33 00:14 0306新视频2 2025-03-06 16:32 01:41 0306新的视频 2025-03-06 15:42 01:27 未命名一键解说...
The NQA FTP test is performed using TCP. It helps you determine whether an FTP client can establish a connection with a specified FTP server and measure the time taken to download a specified file from or upload a specified file to the server. The NQA FTP test obtains the minimum, maximum...
The NQA FTP test is performed using TCP. It helps you determine whether an FTP client can establish a connection with a specified FTP server and measure the time taken to download a specified file from or upload a specified file to the server. The NQA FTP test obtains the minimum, maximum...
Test FTP Server Connections Testing availability of the FTP server is the first step in monitoring an FTP site. Initially, enter the FTP server hostname or IP address to verify that the FTP monitoring service can access the server. Additionally, you have the option to enter the directory ...
phpstorm test ftp connection failed 问题场景:按照phpstorm的配置ftp的方式,正确配置,但是就是无法连接ftp 解决办法:在ftp配置页面下面有一个advanced options选项框,点击出现如下图所示,然 后将红框勾选,重试发现ftp可以连上了
Test an FTP Server Hostname or IP The hostname or IP of the FTP service to be monitored Username Optionally attempt to login to the FTP service with the supplied username and password Password Use EPSV YesNo Use Extended Passive Mode. Some newer FTP servers do not support our default ...
若FTP地址写为ftp://test:123@,则该地址中的“test”的含义是FTP服务器的 (42) 。若FTP地址为ftp:/