性激素六项主要包括:卵泡刺激素(FSH)、黄体生成素(LH)、泌乳素(PRL)、孕酮(PROG)、雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(TEST)。这六项指标可以判断出女性生殖及内分泌系统功能是否正常。 简单来说,卵泡刺激素(FSH)就是刺激卵泡生长的关键激素,是卵泡发育的"动力"来源; 黄体生成素(L...
促卵泡素测定(FSH)[3]: 垂体前叶细胞分泌的一种糖蛋白激素,主要功能是促进卵泡发育与维持性腺组织功能。FSH除反映垂体功能外,还反映卵巢储备能力。FSH基础值为5~15IU/L,卵泡早期水平较低,排卵前达高峰,一般为基础值2倍以上,排卵后迅速降到卵泡期水平。检测FSH可了解下丘脑或垂...
The FSH test is a blood test. Blood will be drawn from the patient and analyzed in a laboratory. Preparation In preparation for the test, there are no food or fluid intake restrictions. Patients may be advised to discontinue certain medications for 48 hours before the test. A menstruating wo...
For all of these reasons, FSH testing is not suited as a routine test (like cholesterol screening, say) for every woman around the age of menopause. Encouraging women without any menopausal symptoms to check their FSH levels is not doing them any service. If women don't have...
FSH testis highly variable during the time whenperiods are irregular. For example, a woman might skip three periods, and then have periods for a few months, and then skip several periods again. During this time ofirregular periods-- before periods stop altogether -- the FSH level can fluctuat...
你好:促卵泡激素(FSH) 正常范围:男性 1.42~15.2U/L;女性卵泡期 1.37~9.9U/L,排卵期6.17...
FSH is made by the pituitary gland, a small organ located in the center of the head behind the sinus cavity at the base of the brain. Control of FSH production is a complex system involving the hypothalamus in the brain, the pituitary gland, and the hormones produced by the ovaries or ...
HCG Pregnancy Test Supplier, Lh Ovulation Test, Fsh Test Manufacturers/ Suppliers - Equinox Biotech Co., Ltd.
Product Name: FSH Test Kit Package Specification: 25/30 Tests/Box Storage Condition: The test kit can be stored at room temperature or refrigerated (2-30℃) for the duration of the shelf life. Test Procedure 1. Tear open the aluminum plastic bag and take out the test paper. 2. Operate...
Ce Approved High Accuracy Fsh Test Urine Strip Product Description Introduction The FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) rapid test dipstick is a rapid test that qualitatively detects the FSH level in unrine specimen at the sensitivity of 25mIU/ml. The test utilizes a combination of a...