John Prescott, an associate professor at the University of Chicago, suggests that this fifth taste serves a purpose just as the other tastes do. He suggests that it signals to us the presence of protein in food, in the same way that sweetness indicates that a food contains energy-giving car...
Q31 The main reason why MSG is more commonly used in Japanese meals is tradition. For many thousands of years the Japanese have incorporated a type of seaweed known as kombu in their cooking, as they discovered it had the ability to make food taste better. But it wasn’t until 1908 that...
The biuret test is a chemical assay that detects the presence ofproteinsin a sample. The test relies on a color change to confirm the presence of proteins. If proteins are found, the sample will turn violet. ... Biuret isn't a protein, but it gives a positive result to the biuret tes...
presence of PrP in the sample detection c) PrP27-30, tested for the possible presence of the PrP form of the prion protein-containing samples, the step b) I want to test protease-sensitive region of the prion protein is also about whether or not digested with respect to the sample in....
Comparison of the GnRH-stimulation test and a semiquantitative quick test for LH to diagnose presence of ovaries in the female domestic cat It is generally recommended that female cats not intended for planned breeding are spayed to reduce the population of feral cats and also because spaying i...
35、36. 原文“Glutamate is an amino acid that can be found naturally in all protein-containing foods, erm, so this includes food such as meat and cheese. ”中清楚地给出了答案“meat and cheese”。但是这两个答案相距很近,而且填完34题的答案紧接着就是这句话,两句话中信息密集。
对应原文:sourness warns us of spoilage andsaltiness signals the presence of minerals 答案解析:由于重读的原因,并不是很难锁定minerals。主要难点还在于其拼写。mineral这个词在我们日常生活中见得虽然少,但在雅思听力中还是很容易出现的,比如剑4 Test2 Section1的mineral water。
A value between 4 and 16 mg/mL is considered borderline, suggesting, nevertheless, the presence of asthma if compatible symptoms are reported.1,8,10 A PC20 greater than 16 mg/mL is considered a negative test. The test is sensitive but not specific, because it may be positive in other ...
In subject area: Medicine and Dentistry The fecal occult blood test (FOBT) involves collection of three consecutive stools after consuming a specified diet and testing for the presence of blood, which may indicate either a colorectal adenoma or cancer. ...
of the horseshoe crab,Limulus polyphemusis a nucleated cell called an amoebocyte, the cytoplasm of which is densely packed with granules.Limulusblood clots in the presence of bacterial LPS. All the necessary clotting factors are contained in the extract of the amoebocyte granules, calledLimuluslysate...