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candidates must provide a narrative response. Candidates must create their own responses originally and not copy or adapt them from other sources. The Department analyzes candidate submissions for plagiarism and will discontinue any individual’s candidacy if found to have violated this plagiarism policy...
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Tests and the Rest is perfect for school counselors, educators, test prep professionals, IECs, parents, and just about anyone engaged in the high school, college, or graduate admissions process. You can subscribe to this podcast using the form at the bottom of the page or stream it via ...
9. What are the two ways to guard against incremental plagiarism? a. Be careful when taking research notes to distinguish among direct quotations, paraphrased material, and your own comments. b. When in doubt, cite your source. Essay Questions 1. In a brief essay, identify and discuss six...
What are the two ways to guard against incremental plagiarism?a. Be careful when taking research notes to distinguish among direct qu 43、otations, paraphrased material, and your own comments.b. When in doubt, cite your source.Essay Questions1. In a brief essay, identify and discuss six ...
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