1. A portable voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) test device for testing a VoIP network, comprising: a user interface comprising an audio input device and an audio output device; a transceiver configured to communicate with the VoIP network; a memory storing a test algorithm; a codec configure...
When used as a passive monitoring device, the EXpert IPTV Test Tools is connected via a manageable switch or aggregating tap to monitor bidirectionally the IGMP, RTSP, and other protocols, and IPTV streams from the video server.: EXpert IPTV 9 Configuring and Starting an IPTV Test Passive Test...
(continued) E2625A Communication Mask Test Kit Option E2635A N2850A E2682A VoiceControl Option (English only) for 54800A Series for 54830B/D Series with software version A.02.xx or lower for 54830B/D Series and 54833A with software version A.03.xx or higher 1CM (E2609B) Add one...
English test.doc,Part II. Cloze 指示: 本章有四篇文章,60个填空。每个填空有四个选项A), B), C), and D). 请选择一个最佳答案,然后在相应位置打勾。 Passage A 你可能知道,保持体形匀称的最佳方式是每天运动。 1 是你应当把体形匀称 2成你 3 习惯. 这和思想健康一样. 4