Free English lessons at grammar, vocabulary, listening, reading. Learn English online for free with tests and exam prep.
1. Cambridge English-剑桥五级英语简单测试 剑桥英语五级是剑桥大学英语考试中心根据CEFR(Common European Framework of Reference for Language,即欧洲共同语言参考标准,是官方对于不同阶段外语水平的描述)设计的与之相对应的英语等级考试,面对全世界的英语学习者(非母语),分为KET(A2), PET(B1), FCE(B2), CAE(C1...
English vocabulary size and grammar level test for every level learners (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2).
high school student, university student, recent graduate or already working. The GEP English Exams use thelatest technology in test deliveryand will provide you with a certificate within 5 working days. Your name will appear in our database once you have completed the exam. Our GEP English...
One of the biggest challenges is staying on task and keeping your momentum. You will be embarrassed at first, and you will make mistakes. But this is something you need to accept to upgrade your English proficiency level. At this point, you should try some easy-to-use apps such as ...
KET (key english test)International exams KET (key english test) KET (Key English Test) is the elementary level of Cambridge exams, and it is within the A2 level of CEFR. This exam tests the basic level knowledge of English, necessary for everyday situations. The students are expected to ...
1 When your test is complete, the examiners give you marks for each of these things: Grammar and Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Interactive Communication and Global Achievement. The marks are for what you do over the whole Speaking test, not for each part of the test. ...
All six levels of proficiency (A1, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) are designed to assess and accredit general English language ability. The levels are linked to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and accredited by Ofqual in the UK....
n. (Sheet)人名;(英)希特 wash v. 洗涤;洗澡;耐洗;洗刷;冲走;拍打;浸湿;(情绪)冲击;洗矿;粉刷;站得住脚;被冲蚀 n. 洗涤;(船或飞机驶过后留下的)波浪;波浪声;薄涂层;肥皂液;待洗的衣服;冲积物;泔水;(对双方无益的)形式;(the Wash) 沃什湾 n. (Wash) (美)瓦什(人名) waiting n. 等,等待;...
At the end of each test your level will be assessed at aCEFlevel (A2 to C2). Questions get easier or harder according to how well you do. If your English is very good you will answer more difficult questions than someone whose English is not as good. ...