Solar Crown is the 13 years later sequel to Test Drive Unlimited 2, developed by KT Racing (WRC series) and published by Nacon. Solar Crown takes place in a near 1:1 recreation of Hong Kong Island allowing for open-world racing and exploration. The game includes a number of MMO-esque s...
Test Drive Unlimited Platinum•Link New physics, over 880 vehicles, correct color names, dedicated camera for each vehicle, new weather - HDiR compatible, new map textures and new radio stations. Optional Russian language. Additional toolkit. ...
Off-road wreck – At the very end of the shipping dock area Those are all of the Wrecks available in Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown. Also check outTest Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Trophy Guide & Roadmapfor 100% completion.
The first Test Drive Unlimited was revolutionary in several ways. It really captured the persistent online world of a racing game, complete with seeing other players driving around a massive map full of races and challenges to complete. I was a huge fan of the original and, when they shut d...
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Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown‘s saving grace is the environment of Hong King itself. The map is huge and really makes you feel like you’re exploring Hong Kong and all of its varied locales. It seems like this is where 95% of the developer’s efforts have gone. ...
Add-On PackTest Drive Unlimited Solar Crown - Upgrade to Gold Edition $29.99 Game and Legal Info (RE-)EXPERIENCE TEST DRIVE UNLIMITED 13 years after the release of Test Drive Unlimited 2, TDUSC reinvents the open-world massively multiplayer racing game genre. Express your passion for cars via...
finally seen some gameplay. Shame they presented it in this way though with YouTubers just larking around. Would have much preferred a more detailed developer deep dive with focus on the world/map and cars themselves, with a chilled drive around some of the map. Confirmed there is a photo...
名称:Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown 类型:大型多人在线,竞速,模拟 开发商:KT Racing 发行商:Nacon 系列:Nacon,Test Drive 发行日期:2024 年 9 月 12 日 访问网站Discord 查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 在Steam 上查看“Nacon Games”全合集作品 ...
ImageMap ImageMapFile ImageTest ImmediateWindow 已實作 ImplementedOverridden 實作 ImplementingImplemented ImplementingOverridden 實作Overriding ImplementInterface 匯入 ImportCatalogPart ImportFilter ImportSettings 包含 IncreaseBrightness IncreaseContrast IncreaseDecimals IncreaseFontSize IncreaseHorizontalSpacing IncreaseIndent...