我正在调试一个doc-test的失败。我使用print()语句进行调试,而不是使用仿真器和断点。文档测试似乎抑制了被测函数的stdout。一种笨拙的解决方案是将文档测试的主体复制到main(),删除前导的尖括号,调试,复制回来,然后迭代。将函数保留在doc 浏览17提问于2021-06-15得票数 0 回答已采纳 1回答 如何在Views.py内...
Console.WriteLine("Clicking search button"); HTMLInputElement button = (HTMLInputElement)theDoc.getElementById("Button1"); button.click(); documentComplete.WaitOne(); In this case I need to invoke the WaitOne method to make sure that the page representing the search results is fully loaded...
Next, I obtain references to all input controls on my application under test: PS C:\> $doc = $ie.document PS C:\> $tb1 = $doc.getElementByID("TextBox1") PS C:\> $tb2 = $doc.getElementByID("TextBox2") PS C:\> $add = $doc.getElementByID("RadioButton1") PS C:\...
doc/user_guide/signal/generic_tools.rst Outdated >>> print(s) <Signal1D, title: , dimensions: (5, 2|10)> >>> print(s.data.dtype) uint8 # Use dtype=np.unit16 to specify a dtype Use ``dtype=np.unit16`` to specify a dtype Contributor jlaehne Dec 17, 2023 Here and...
['close', 'gi_code', 'gi_frame', 'gi_running', 'gi_suspended', 'gi_yieldfrom', 'send', 'throw'] >>> from test.support import HAVE_DOCSTRINGS >>> print(i.__next__.__doc__ if HAVE_DOCSTRINGS else 'Implement next(self).') Implement next(self). >>> iter(i) is i True >...
# ctest_doc_content" # Container CI tests # abbreviated as "ct" # may be redefined in the specific container testfile EXPECTED_EXIT_CODE=0 # ct_cleanup # --- # Cleans up containers used during tests. Stops and removes all containers # referenced by cid_files...
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PDF Format=>Click here to Download the Test Plan in pdf file format. Worksheet (.xls) files referred in the above doc/pdf versions=>Download theXLS files referredin the above Test Plan The above template is very comprehensive and a detailed one too. Hence please give it a thorough reading...
"""print('测试a') 对于每个用例对象,可以使用test._testMethodDoc来获取其完整的docstring字符串,然后通过正则匹配来匹配出用例的tags列表和level等级,实现方法如下。 importre TAG_PARTTEN='tag:(\w+)'LEVEL_PARTTEN='level:(\d+)'defget_case_tags(case:unittest.TestCase)->list:"""从用例方法的docstri...
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