Eric, K. MoodyJohn, L. Sabo
然后如果有显著差异,则需要进一步做多重比较(如Tukey's HSD 或 LSD 测试)来确定哪些具体组别之间存在...
ANOVA Calculator One-Way ANOVA Calculator and Tukey HSD Significance level (α): Outliers:IncludedExcluded Effect:SmallMediumLarge Effect type:fη² Effect Size: Rounding:12345678910 Enter raw data directly Enter raw data from excel Enter sample data directly...
It would be nice to have the ability to do a multiple comparisons test like Tukey's HSD after determining that at least two means are different from each other. Solution A test that shows pair-wise comparison of means, and labels which means are not statistically significantly different from ...
A one-way ANOVA was performed to determine significant differences among treatments (and also experimental time in leachates) for the weekly leachate samples. The comparison of means was made according to Tukey’s honestly significant difference test (P < 0.05). The nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis ...
R语言中的t-test和ANOVA解读.ppt,下面再用函数interaction.plot( )作出交互效应图, 以考查因素之间交互作用是否存在, R程序为 op-par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) plot(Time~Toxicant+Cure, data=rats) with(rats, interaction.plot(Toxicant, Cure, Time, trace.label=Cure)) with(rats
R语言中t-test和ANOVA_.ppt,下面再用函数interaction.plot( )作出交互效应图, 以考查因素之间交互作用是否存在, R程序为 op-par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) plot(Time~Toxicant+Cure, data=rats) with(rats, interaction.plot(Toxicant, Cure, Time, trace.label=Cure)) with(rats,inte
Tukeyshonestlysignificantdifference(HSD)test In Neil Salkind(Ed.),Encyclopedia of Research Design.Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage.2010 Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference(HSD)Test Herv´e Abdi·Lynne J.Williams 1Overview When an analysis of variance(anova)gives a significant result,this ...
Newman-Keuls Test and Tukey Test