Cortada de Kohan, N. & Macbeth, G. (2007). Construccion de un test de matematica para adolescentes y adultos. Interdisciplinaria, 24(1), 43-64. [Construction of a mathematical test for adolescents and adults. Interdisciplinary, 24(1), 43-64]....
MatemáticaTestes PsicológicosValidade dos TestesPsicometriaAnálise FatorialArgentinathere are three different stages that generally take place while learning mathematics: the first concrete stage is when children learn to add, usually incorporating fingers as the most common object of support; a second...
Moyano Diaz, E., Flores Moraga, E., & Soromaa, H. (2011). Fiabilidad y validez de constructo del test MUNSH para medir felicidad en poblacion de adultos mayores chilenos. Universitas Psychologica, 10(2), 567-580.Moyano, E., Flores, E., & Soromaa, H. (2011). Fiabilidad y ...