Jitter CPS Test Spacebar Test Typing Test 🌟 NEW • CPS Challenge Weighted average Drag CPS16.12from250,000+samples - as of Feb 22, 2022 CPS by country (top 3): #1 -South Korea17.49; #2 -US17.54; #3 -UK17.23 Drag Click Video ...
Find out how fast you can click with the CPS test. CPS test allows you to test how fast you can click on the mouse.
The Click Speed Test website measures the number of clicks you make per second. Check CPS Test online (kohi click test) to see how fast you can click in seconds.
This CPS test reveals your Clicks Per Second in 3x9 different modes now! Also, get to know how fast you can click with a detailed click-tracking-map.
Badlion 点击是最简单的点击测试类型之一。此外,badlion 单击仅与鼠标单击一起提供。您可以使用 badlion click 来改善您的日常任务。您可以在执行编辑、浏览等日常任务时轻松提高点击率。此外,badlion click 包括在 3 到 6 秒内发生的 CPS 分数。 此外,蝴蝶点击比抖动点击更快。使用蝴蝶点击,您的点击速度将介于 15...
Drag Click:dragging your finger down from the top of the button generates multiple clicks. For players, it is easy to get a higher CPS in click tester. How Do I Find Out My CPS Test Score? You can check the click speed yourself using: ...
Click Speed Test, or CPS test, measures your clicking speed! Can you beat the clock and make the most clicks in just 5 seconds!
The “Jitter click” technique is meant to sound like a woodpecker tapping its beak. Keep your index finger flat on the desk and make quick, decisive clicks. Attaining 20 CPS is possible with a steady hand and non-slip buttons. Drag Click ...
6. How much CPS do you need to God bridge? You need at least 15 CPS to God bridge. First, you have to learn about methods of clicking. 7. Does CPS matter in Minecraft? Minecraft. The CPS value gives you the exact idea of how you can click the mouse button. So, CPS matters a ...
Drag Click If the above two methods are slightly dependent on the mouse, then "drag and click" is almost only related to the mouse you use. With this method, the click is not generated by pressing the button, but the vibration caused by dragging the finger on the button. These vibrations...