Test do skryningowego badania węchu u dzieci poniżej 5. roku życiasmellolfactory examinationodor identificationTo assess possibility of olfactory examination in children aged less than 5 years old as well as to determine odors being correctly recognized by Polish children which could be used...
Test prowokacji nosowej z alergenem, alergiczne testy skórne oraz poziom alergenowo swoistych IgE w surowicy u dzieci chorych na astm oskrzelowasthmachildrenallergic skin prick testserum allergen specific IgEnasal allergen provocation test
Przydatno testu CAST-ELISA w ocenie reakcji alergicznej po amoksycylinie u dzieciCAST ELISAdrug allergyamoxicillin allergySome antibiotics, such as amoxicillin, can induce some hypersensitive reactions with clinical symptoms such urticaria, angioedema, acute bronchospasm and anaphylaxis shock. It is ...
sensitivityThe measure of efficaciency of screening test is specificality and sensitivity. The validation of the screening test by using Program "Sysz" in Silesia in year 2002 was done. The Program consisted of two parts: 1. The screening test in schools: a) pure-tone test, b) speech ...