网络测试案例 复数:test cases 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 test-case n. 1. (判决同类案件可援用的)判例a legal case or other situation whose result will be used as an example when decisions are being made on similar cases in the future...
test cases 释义 n. 判例案件( test case的名词复数 ) 实用场景例句 全部 And identifying scenarios has another benefit : It assists with creating test cases. 区分场景还有有助于创建测试用例(testcase). 互联网 Tests from different test cases can have the same individual name. 来自不同的测试案例的...
test case是什么意思_test case用英语怎么说_test case的翻译_test case翻译成_test case的中文意思_test case怎么读,test case的读音,test case的用法,test case的例句 翻译 简明 柯林斯 牛津 test case 英 释义 n. 判例案件 词态变化 复数: test cases; 实用场景例句 全部 The outcomeof these wage talks ...
关于芯片验证中写testcase的一些想法 testbench后,就必须开始着手创建testcases。testcase按功能可划分为三类:冒烟用例、随机用例、定向用例。按开发时间顺序,一般也是冒烟用例→随机用例→定向用例。 冒烟用例(sanity testcase)在环境搭建好之后,为了迅速将RTL基本功能测试起来,可以考虑写几个简单的testcases来作为冒烟用例...
当前XMind2TestCase已实现从 XMind 文件到 TestLink 和 Zentao(禅道) 两大常见用例管理系统的测试用例转换,同时也提供 XMind 文件解析后的两种数据接口 (TestSuites、TestCases两种级别的JSON数据),方便快速与其他测试用例管理系统打通。 二、使用示例
(redirected from test cases)Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Encyclopedia. test case n. 1. A lawsuit brought in part for the purpose of obtaining a judicial decision on an unclear point of law, especially involving the constitutionality of a statute. 2. An action that establishes a ...
Why test cases are important Test cases define what must be done to test a system, including the steps executed in the system, the input data values entered into the system and the test results expected throughout test case execution. Using test cases allows developers and testers to discover...
1. 检测实例设计 例句 释义: 全部,检测实例设计 1. Arctesting:Atestcasedesigntechniqueforacomponentin whichtestcasesare designed to executebranchoutcomes. 分支测试:一种针对组件的测试用例设计技术,通过分支覆盖来进行测试用例设计。 ...
词汇test cases 释义请查阅词条:test case 随便看 wizardries wizardry wizards wizened wizzed wizzing wk. wk wks WMD wnba WNBA, the woah wobble wobbled wobbler wobblers wobbles wobblier wobbliest wobbliness wobbliness wobbling wobblings wobbly ...
Create manual test cases to test your deliverables and assign testers. Use Excel and manage your test cases.