due to the geometrical restrictions of the test section, thetemperature distributionmeasurements on the component faces were taken with a scanning angle (θ) of the IR camera equal to 45°. For this reason, the value of the transmittance was checked with respect to the angleθ, without showing...
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with a resolution of computed displacement up to 0.004 pixels when high-precision measurements are required, however, the practical accuracy shows less precision[56]. Yet, resolution is a test-dependent parameter that depends on intrinsic (principle point, focal length, distortion of the camera) ...
New physics, over 880 vehicles, correct color names, dedicated camera for each vehicle, new weather - HDiR compatible, new map textures and new radio stations. Optional Russian language. Additional toolkit. Incompatible with languages other than English, Russian and Polish (for compatibility with the...
gtkam (digital camera detection) Fulko.Hew at sita.aero trouble with rhythmbox Siddharth Toshniwal trouble with rhythmbox Michael Schwendt trouble with rhythmbox Siddharth Toshniwal slocate leaking serious memory Andy Green slocate leaking serious memory Andy Green Still same problems with up...
OpenMV4 3 H7 OV7725 Development Board Cam Camera Module AI Artificial Smart Python Learning $0.29 - $0.49 Min. order: 10 sets 1Pcs HIFI Audio Speakers Amplifier Preamp Anti-shock Absorber Foot Feet Pads Vibration Absorption Stands Spikes Shock Nail Mat $0.18 - $0.36 Min. order: 10 pieces ...
evtest displays information on the input device specified on the command line, i... (mirror) - evtest/evtest.c at master · freedesktop-unofficial-mirror/evtest
Radioactivity in blood samples was measured in a 1-detector Wallac gamma counter (Perkin Elmer Instruments, Wellesley, MA, USA), which was cross-calibrated with the PET camera. Blood radioactivity data were corrected for radioactive decay and expressed as Bq/μl. The area under the blood time...
evtest displays information on the input device specified on the command line, i... (mirror) - evtest/evtest.c at 44794371e8978ec4b4aeb891f94c9fdd0dcf9dd0 · freedesktop-unofficial-mirror/evtest
Access to system resources: Depending on the program, it may require access to certain system resources such as the camera, microphone, or location services. You may need to grant permission for the program to access these resources during the installation process or after the program has been ...