Test observability provides real-time insights that boost test coverage, speed up debugging, and improve overall software quality. by Aakanksha Dixit Oracle Cloud Financials 24D Release: What’s New? Read more to discover how Oracle 24D and Opkey’s test automation streamline your financial process...
TestCaseId for the testResult from the source system stackTrace Stacktrace with maxSize= 1000 chars. startedDate Time when test execution started(UTC). state State of test result. Type TestRunState. subResults List of sub results inside a test result, if ResultGroupType is not None, it holds...
and the RX 7600 also outperforms the B580, especially in terms of 1% lows. Enabling upscaling further widens the gap, as it provides no benefit for the B580, while the RTX 4060 gains an 18% boost and the RX 7600 gains 7%. This ...
For instance, if the objective is to boost the sales performance of an e-commerce company by 30% in the next three months, key results may include metrics like new customer acquisition, existing customer retention, successful transactions, conversion rates, and more. Fundamentally, key results ...
workItemCategory string automatedTestName string testCaseId number maxCompleteDate Date days number workItemCount number Returns Promise<WorkItemReference[]> queryTestRuns(string, Date, Date, TestRunState, number[], boolean, TestRunPublishContext, number[], number[], string, number[], num...
FileType of the log being attached to a TestResultMachine Valid values : AutomationLogFile, Screenshot, LogFolder, Other path Path to the log file. Max length: 300 characters type Type of the path for the log Valid values : AzureBlobStorage, UNC, URI Property...
History to get between time interval MaxCompleteDate and (MaxCompleteDate - TrendDays). Default is current date time. TypeScript Copy maxCompleteDate: Date Property Value Date releaseEnvDefinitionId Get the results history only for this ReleaseEnvDefinitionId. This to get used in query GroupBy ...