BingLiu, ...JunpengWang, inGait & Posture, 2016 1Introduction Gait speed or walking speed is an important measure in comprehensivegeriatric assessment[1]. It is a relatively simple measure of physical performance and has been proposed to be the sixth vital sign[2]. Walking speed is usually ...
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How we built it Watch as Words was built using C#, the Microsoft Bing Speech API, and Visual Studio. Challenges we ran into We struggled a lot with implementing the API and we had a lot of issues with the GUI. Accomplishments that we're proud of It works!!! What we learned Ne...
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Our CEO, Steve Newcomb, is a founder and the former CEO of Powerset (which became Microsoft Bing). Om Malik recently called us his current favorite startup: positions, except PR/Marketing require very solid HTML, CSS and JavaScript experience...