This preliminary result suggests that development of the clitellum, inhibition of cephalic regeneration, and secretion of testicular androgen are controlled by a single substance.C. LattaudR. Marcelcanadian journal of zoology
The reactions CH[sub n]D[sub 4-n]+OH→P and CH[sub 4]+OD→CH[sub 3]+HOD as a test of current direct dynamics multicoefficient methods to determine variational transition state rate constants. II.In this paper we have carried out a test of current multilevel electronic structure methods...
alors qu’elle rêvait d’en acquérir une. Elle est allée de petit boulot(活计) en petit boulot : nettoyage, ménage, petit travail d’usine. “A cause du problème de travail, je me déplace très souvent …De l’argent, je n’ai pas besoin de beaucoup. Juste pour vivre ...
We measured intra- and inter-rater reliability of MFS in hemiparetic patients among trained raters. Material/patients and...doi:10.1080/10749357.2018.1460932Hutin, EmilieGhédira, MounaLoche, Catherine-MarieMardale, ValentinaHennegrave, Catherine...
Copyright (C) 2011 by the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health. Published by Elsevier. Inc.doi:10.1097/01.ede.0000392465.32109.f5Bachinski, RóberSaggioro, EnricoCaldeira, CristianeAbreu, ClaricePresgrave, OctavioDe Souza, Nádia GeisaMeyer, Armando...
P190 - Absence de reproductibilité du dosage du cortisol plasmatique avant et après test au synacthène chez le malade grave de reanimationsyringomyeliaintrasyringal hemorrhageChiari malformationGowers' syringal hemorrhageA 34-year-old male presented with intrasyringal hemorrhage associated with Chiari...
Presents a quiz designed to measure the level of investing knowledge of the reader. Where to check the performance of small-company stocks; Meaning of a downward sloping advance/decline line; What the advantages of diversification are; Definition of a bear market; Other questions.Updegrave...
Optical dating of post-1930 CE charcoal kilns remains: a test of accuracyMoayed, Nasrin KarimiVandenberghe, DimitriDeforce, KoenKaptijn, EvaDe Clercq, WimDe Grave, JohanAncient TL
The new results will increase our understanding of the utility of this potential diagnostic biomarker for prodromal AD.doi:10.1016/j.jalz.2012.05.1156Sjogren, MagnusRoed, LineGrave, GisleRian, EdithLindahl, Torbj?rnLonneborg, AndersElsevier Inc.Alzheimer\"s & Dementia...
BackgroundIn-situ simulation is an evolving area, providing a platform to identify potential hazards and deficiencies in clinical systems.1 Feedback from our anaesthetic trainees consistently detailed the poor availability of drugs for paediatric emergencies. Additionally, they were unaware of the '...