然后,内容将写入 D:\temp 文件夹中的 SystemHealthOutData.xml 文件。 参数 -ADCredentials ADCredentials 参数指定用于访问 Active Directory 的用户名和密码。 通常情况下,您可以在脚本中或在需要提供具有所需权限的不同凭据时使用此参数。 此参数的值需要 Get-Credential cmdlet。 要暂停此命令并接收凭据提示,请...
ADTest.exe is an Active Directory load-generation tool that simulates client transactions on a host server to assess the performance of the Microsoft® Active Directory™ within Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 and Microsoft® Active Directory
# when the response is plain-text Then match response == 'Health Check OK' And match response != 'Error' # when the response is binary (byte-array) Then match responseBytes == read('test.pdf') # incidentally, match and assert behave exactly the same way for strings * def hello = ...
Set-CsHealthMonitoringConfiguration Set-CsHostedVoicemailPolicy Set-CsHostingProvider Set-CsHuntGroup Set-CsHybridApplicationEndpoint Set-CsHybridMediationServer Set-CsHybridPSTNAppliance Set-CsHybridPSTNSite Set-CsImConfiguration Set-CsImFilterConfiguration Set-CsImTranslationConfiguration Se...
DomainController 参数指定用于访问 Active Directory 的域控制器。请使用要使用的域控制器的完全限定的域名 (FQDN)。 DownloadConfigurationUpdates 可选 System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter DownloadConfigurationUpdates 参数检查并下载配置文件的较新版本。默认值为 $true,这将检查并下载配置文件的较新版本。 Excha...
This configuration consists of a single Exchange server and a Windows Server Active Directory (AD) domain controller in a subnet of an Azure virtual network. This provides a basis and common starting point from which you can demonstrate Exchange and develop Exchange Server applications. This configur...
--healthcheckport: HTTP Health check port (defaults to 8889). Set to 0 to disable. Returns 200 if the agent is running and communicating with the server, 503 otherwise. --har: Generate a per-run HAR file as part of the test result (defaults to False). ...
I am working in a test environment I inherited from someone else. I am familiar with every version of Exchange starting with 4.0, but not Exchange 2016. The...
Explained benefits of testing: Testing helps validate code changes, improve architecture, and improve code health. Learned about different types of testing: Different types of testing can address different needs in a code base. Discovered different schools of thought: We explained various...
Users sometimes need to communicate on a regular basis with all the members of an Active Directory distribution group; for example, that group might comprise all the members of a team or all the people assigned to a particular project. In recognition of this, Skype for Business Server allows ...