-l LANG[+LANG] Specify language(s) used for OCR. -c VAR=VALUE Set value for config variables. Multiple -c arguments are allowed. -psm NUM Specify page segmentation mode. NOTE: These options must occur before any configfile. Page segmentation modes: 0 Orientation and script detection (OSD)...
OCR options:--tessdata-dirPATH Specify the location of tessdata path.--user-words PATH Specify the location of user wordsfile.--user-patterns PATH Specify the location of user patternsfile.-l LANG[+LANG] Specify language(s) usedforOCR.-c VAR=VALUE Set valueforconfig variables. Multiple-c ...
tesseract--help-psm Pagesegmentationmodes: 0Orientationandscriptdetection(OSD)only. 1AutomaticpagesegmentationwithOSD. 2Automaticpagesegmentation,butnoOSD,orOCR. 3Fullyautomaticpagesegmentation,butnoOSD.(Default) 4Assumeasinglecolumnoftextofvariablesizes. 5Assumeasingleuniformblockofverticallyalignedtext. 6Assu...
OCR options:--tessdata-dirPATH Specify the location of tessdata path.--user-words PATH Specify the location of user wordsfile.--user-patterns PATH Specify the location of user patternsfile.-l LANG[+LANG] Specify language(s) usedforOCR.-c VAR=VALUE Set valueforconfig variables. ...
一、安装步骤 双击tesseract-ocr-w64-setup-安装包,点击ok 点击【Next】 点击【I Agree】 点击【Next】 选择安装组件 展开【Additional language data】 勾选【Math / equation detection module】和【Chinese(Simplified)】 点击【Next】 ...
机器之心报道 机器之心编辑部 这个文本 OCR 小工具,能让你「所截即所得」。 在我们办公时,是不是...
用于图片文本识别的Tesseract-OCR的安装说明(windows10) language data。但是建议不要全部都勾选,因为大多数语种我们都是用不着的,全部勾选的话后面的安装会消耗很长的时间。 (2)注意记住你的安装路径,因为后面设置环境变量时需要用到。 例如这里我将其安装在了D:/tesseract文件夹中。2. 修改环境变量2.1tesseract-o...
OCR options: --tessdata-dir /path specify the location of tessdata path --user-words /path/to/file specify the location of user words file --user-patterns /path/to/file specify the location of user patterns file -l lang[+lang] specify language(s) used for OCR ...
Tesseract OCR引擎说明书 Package‘tesseract’November20,2023 Type Package Title Open Source OCR Engine Version5.2.1 Description Bindings to'Tesseract':a powerful optical character recognition(OCR)engine that supports over100languages.The engine is highly configurable in order to tune the detection ...