set_design_sources -format verilog -y {../library/mem ../design/rtl} -extension v set_design_sources -format tcd_memory -y ../library/mem -extension lib read_verilog../design/rtl/blockA.v set_current_design blockA 2)Specify and Verify DFT Requirements set_design_level physical_block se...
read_cell_library [list ./input/logic.mdt ./input/dft_cells.mdt ./input/io.atpglib] set_current_design test set_design_level chip 读入std cell的ATPG lib,IO PAD的ATPG lib 大部分design的IO PAD都是在顶层,所以指定design level为chip层。 3. 增加测试信号: 时钟端口, 扫描输入端口,Test Mode端...
Design And Reuse, The Web's System On Chip Design Resource : catalogs of IPs, Virtual Components, Cores for designing System-on-Chip (SOC)
Government subcontractor is subject solely to the terms and conditions set forth in the license agreement provided with the software, except for provisions which are contrary to applicable mandatory federal laws. TRADEMARKS: The trademarks, logos and service marks (Marks) used herein are the property...
The course focuses on creating the rich volume data set required by Tessent YieldInsight as part of diagnosis-driven yield analysis. PREREQUISITES Familiarity with concepts of: Verilog Linux operating system Design-for-Test is advisable but not required PROVIDED COURSE MATERIALS Class Package This ...
完整的block core or top_level design的TSDB 当前设计抽取的ICL模型 当前设计的PDL with procedure; 当前设计的门级网表 #生成pattern的相关命令 set pat_spec [create_patterns_specification] #如果需要,将reduced-address-count设置成off 为了测试Memory的所有address range;; ...
set_cell_mapping -new_model <newScanModel> -model <modelName>。 使用以下命令覆盖扫描单元映射: 覆盖默认的输出引脚 输出引脚: 扫描插入会选择具有较小扇出的引脚作为插入的扫描单元的scan_out。 SETUP: Input Constraints · lnput constraints define initial conditions of primary inputs as the design is put...
Using Tessent Shell, you can perform the following operations on your design: • Design editing — Provides a robust set of design editing commands that you can use to manipulate the design's modules, instances, nets, ports, and pins, either interactively or through Tcl scripting. • ...
Provides system-level low latency access to all on-chip test resources for on-line test and diagnosis. The hierarchical network of scan insertion bit switches allows for communication to the distributed test resources. Real-time test control The Tessent MissionMode controller can be configured to op...
Introduction to Design Editing in Tessent Shell White Paper Hierarchical DFT in a RISC-V Processor This paper demonstrates the application of the Tessent hierarchical DFT and ATPG methodology on a RISC-V processor. With hierarchical DFT, all the DFT is completed at the block level and then replic...