X同学双非师范院校英语专业,申请了TESOL和跨文化传播两个大方向的项目,目前除了曼大国际教育(TESOL),还拿到了UCL的TESOL(24fall录取捷报 | UCL TESOL(职前)硕士:AI辅助英语教学和过程体裁教学法)和跨文化传播硕士、爱丁堡大学TESOL硕士的offer! 顾问老师Kingsley按照摆渡学人的选校分析方法,重点讨论了学生的学术背景特点...
Challenges Chinese students face in adapting to academicexpectations and teaching/learning styles of U.K. Masterscourses, and how cross cultural understand... The Australian Government has announced its plans to establish 24 Technical Colleges around Australia, with the aim of providing a high level ...
EXPLORE TESOL COURSES TO TEACH IN JAPAN TESOL Advanced TESOL For Children TESOL For Business TEACHING JOBS IN JAPAN Previous Kindergarten Main Teacher Position 's Degree or Masters Degree Early Childhood Teacher License Must have at least of 4 years of experience teaching children... to become...
Intercultural communication and related courses taught in TESOL master's degree programs. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 22, 17-33.Nelson,G.‘Intercultural communication and related courses taught in TESOL masters’ degree programs’.International Journal of Intercultural Relations. 1998...
1.a bachelor's degree in a relevant discipline from the University of Sydney or equivalent qualification; and 2.the completion of any additional qualifying courses prescribed by the Faculty. Master of Teaching (Health and Physical Education) ...
语言要求:雅思总分6.5,写作6.5,其他单项不低于6.0。 GMAT/GRE:无。 系所链接:https://www.seed.manchester.ac.uk/ 项目链接:https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/list/13009/ma-international-education-tesol/
and pre-service TESOL teachers' conceptualization of identities. This attempt con- tributes another lens to the current practices of teaching practicum, reflections, and construction of the PSTs' identity, which the teacher educators and supervisors can incorporate in practicum courses in any polities....
https://www.canterbury.ac.nz/study/qualifications-and-courses/masters-degrees/master-of-teaching-english-to-speakers-of-other-la/ • 更多留学申请信息可进一步咨询 BridgeBlue China 博睿蓝国际教育 的资深留学顾问 SarahZhao;留学咨询:BBGCS598