Best Car Deals Right Now If you are in the market for a new car, we can help you find the best new car deals and the latest incentives from car dealers in your area. Find Best Deals What’s Next? Want to Take Action?Shop Cars for Sale Curious About Your Car’s Trade-in Value?Fi...
Best Car Deals Right Now If you are in the market for a new car, we can help you find the best new car deals and the latest incentives from car dealers in your area. Find Best Deals What’s Next? Want to Take Action?Shop Cars for Sale Curious About Your Car’s Trade-in Value?Fi...
We were looking at used Tesla's but found the used car dealers did not price the cars so that it would be worth it with a 1-2 months waiting time. If we had known that the delivery time would be 4-5 months, we might have just bought a used car, as we actually need the ...
I will beat Tesla's trade in quote for your used Tesla - White, Grey, or Silver I have read on the Tesla Forum that many Tesla owners are selling their cars back to Tesla as they upgrade to the new Model Ds. In the process Tesla takes those cars and sells them to dealers such as...
took our call was entirely open and forthright. He didn’t ask for our VIN or push us to reveal any information, such as our email or phone number. By contrast, getting other brands' dealers to tell you what they charge for service is much more difficult and always very obscurely ...
Unlike traditional automakers, which use independent dealers to sell and repair vehicles, Tesla sells directly to customers and owns and operates a large portion of its service centers. That gives the automaker extraordinarily detailed real-time visibility into parts failures, repairs and warranty...
Little or nothing. I have not been able to muster any excitement or enthusiasm over a BMW since…the E39 went away and was replaced by the blobby, Pontiac-look-alike E60. Don’t get me wrong; BMWs since then have undoubtedly been very nice cars. But they’ve ...
I looked up the address of the Service Center. It is 20 miles north of Albuquerque in a city called Bernalillo. That seemed like an odd location, why not locate it alongside the other car dealers in the city? We drove to Bernalillo and found a hotel to stay the night. Being Memorial ...
I looked up the address of the Service Center. It is 20 miles north of Albuquerque in a city called Bernalillo. That seemed like an odd location, why not locate it alongside the other car dealers in the city? We drove to Bernalillo and found a hotel to stay the night. Being Memorial ...
I looked up the address of the Service Center. It is 20 miles north of Albuquerque in a city called Bernalillo. That seemed like an odd location, why not locate it alongside the other car dealers in the city? We drove to Bernalillo and found a hotel to stay the night. Being Memorial ...