Ives recentlycalled Twitter a “money pit”and a black eye for Tesla stock. Musk is undoubtedly a big part of the Tesla brand. If you were to walk up to ten people on the street and ask them the CEOs of Tesla, Ford, and GM, many would likely be able to say Elon Musk, but very...
An analysis of the 2019 stock price trend of Tesla also shows different rates of growth during different months, as shown in Figure 9 below. The fluctuations in the share prices are evident, especially between the different months. The company experienced the lowest stock price in June, as men...
Its supporters say those measures show Tesla is making money at last after years of losses in most of those measures. That profitability is one of the reasons the stock performed so well for more than a year. But the debate between skeptics and devotees of the company whether Tesla is tr...