Wall Connector 規格 電壓 1相 230V3相 230V 或 400V 最大電流輸出 32 amps 功率輸出 3相:最高 17.3 kW1相:最高 7.4 kW 尺寸 345mm x 155mm x 110mm 電纜長度 7.3m 安裝 室內/室外 合規 CE, IEC 61851-1 CB 安全 整合GFCI 兼容性 Model S, Model 3, Model X, Model Y 保養 48 個月(個人...
From daily driving to family road trips, charging Model Y is fast, convenient and accessible anywhere there’s electricity. While You Sleep Charge at home with Wall Connector, our most convenient way to recharge. During the Day Plug Mobile Connector into a standard outlet wherever you park. ...
Charge A Tesla|Enhance your Tesla Model 3/Y charging experience with the JMUYTOP Tesla Wall Connector Style flat line Charging cable. This PD QC3.0 type c USB C Charging Data Cord is designed for fast charging and data transmission.
Tesla Wall Connector 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 特斯拉壁挂式充电桩 400.00 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
type 1:For Tesla Model Y type 2:For Tesla Model 3 type 3:For Tesla Model S type 4:For Tesla Model X type 5:For Tesla Model 3 Highland USB cable fast charging for Tesla model Y/3/X/S, car charging accessories specially designed for Tesla owners, exclusive wall connector appearance, ex...
驾驶位座椅调高,前围板调低,驾驶员前方视野更开阔。Model Y 内饰风格简约,标配 15 英寸触摸屏及沉浸式音效系统。全景玻璃车顶,车内空间宽阔敞亮,天空景色一览无余。 内饰 以驾驶员为中心进行设计 Tesla特斯拉官方app特色 - 实时查看充电进展,开始或停止充电 ...
Get the best Tesla accessories for Model Y, Model 3, and more at our Tesla Shop. Customize your ride with top-quality Tesla parts. The go-to Tesla store for all your needs
The official Tesla Shop. Purchase Wall Connectors, chargers, adapters, vehicle accessories and Tesla branded merchandise, collectibles and clothing for women, men and children.
The official Tesla Shop. Purchase Wall Connectors, chargers, adapters, vehicle accessories and Tesla branded merchandise, collectibles and clothing for women, men and children.
7. 家用充電同你裝 如果你家裡的停車場能提供供電設施,在試駕完成後兩個星期內買新車,Tesla會畀埋 Wall Connector 家用充電器,重幫你安裝埋,而充電速度就視乎停車場供電設施的電力功率而定,最快可以支援三相電(6-8小時充滿)。 8. 安全性 Model 3 同Model Y都被選評為目前最安全的車款之一,在美國國家道路...