Full Self-Driving (Supervisado) incluye funciones adicionales y mejora las funciones existentes, para que tu vehículo sea más capaz con el paso del tiempo, incluyendo: Navegar en piloto automático Guía activa desde la rampa de entrada hasta la rampa de salida Cambio de carril automático...
The Model S comes with an adaptive cruise control system called Autopilot, but before you get too excited about a self-driving car, you should know that it's little more than an adaptive cruise control system with a lane-centering feature. A more advanced Enhanced Autopilot package is availabl...
Chat with a Tesla Advisor to learn more about Model S or schedule a demo drive today. Autopilot Future of Driving Order Now Demo Drive Features Full Self-Driving (Supervised) introduces additional features and improves existing functionality to make your vehicle more capable over time, including...
Full Self-Driving Hardware - 腾讯视频http://v.qq.com/x/page/q0338hv72j7.html 1.硬件部分:A...
这是腾讯科恩实验室,在特斯拉Model S身上做的自动驾驶安全性研究,软件版本是2018.6.1。这也是科恩实验...
特斯拉宣布:从即日起,特斯拉生产的所有特斯拉汽车(包括入门车型Model3)都将配备可实现完全自动驾驶功能的硬件,并且安全级别将远远高于人类自己驾驶。搭载这一硬件的ModelS和ModelX已经开始生产,而Model3将会在2017年底正式开始交车。 武装全身的传感器,特斯拉这次做到了真正的全自动驾驶 ...
于是,我们终于在几个小时之前见到了这个「新产品」——完全自动驾驶硬件(Full Self-Driving Hardware)。 多项升级给 Tesla 「完全自动驾驶」的信心 考虑到这半年来有关自动驾驶技术的巨大争议性,Tesla 在此时推出这个所谓的「完全自动驾驶硬件」产品不可谓不大胆,甚至可以说是「逆天下之大不韪」。
In fact, Tesla was aiming for the McLaren F1 driving experience when it designed the new cars. "In the options selection, you'll be able to choose "normal", "sport", and "insane"," Musk laughed. "It's actually true, it'll say "insane"!" ...
Model S is built for speed and range, with beyond ludicrous acceleration, unparalleled performance and a refined design.
之前提到的用户手册中,TESLA有两个功能:Full Self-Driving和Enhanced Autopilot。前者就是刚下架的自动驾驶功能。后者Enhanced Autopilot应翻译为:增强版自动辅助驾驶系统。但在中国官网Model S的介绍页面,仍出现了“全自动驾驶硬件”的介绍,并配上了一段双脱手自动驾驶的视频介绍。尽管在视频下小字标明了视频是演示...