Model S Free Supercharging Included Free Supercharging Included 560km Range (EPA est.) Range (EPA est.) 2.1s 0-100 km/h1 0-100 km/h1 322km/h Top Speed2 Top Speed2 1,020hp Peak Power Peak Power Order NowDemo Drive Specs displayed are Model S Plaid values....
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1.Tesla Model X:上掀车门为最大卖点 鹰翼式车门 2+3+2 的7 人座配置 不用500 万就能享用千匹休旅 这是最具特色的Tesla,也是最有风格的SUV。2021 年实施小改款,入门款为双马达四轮驱动Long Range 车型,更首度新增三马力四轮驱动Plaid 车型,千匹马力加持,堪称越级打怪超级休旅。 <2022 Model X 规格> 驱...
We traveled 280 miles at 75 mph on the highway, which is 68 miles less than the Model S Plaid's 348-mile EPA-estimated range. It's also tied with the Porsche Taycan as the EV with the second-longest range result we've ever tested, coming in behind the Model S Long Range, which ...
百公里加速时间一直是纯电车的最大卖点,5秒、4秒俱乐部早已经挤满了车,现在3秒内的超跑级加速,大家也可以买来体验到了,Tesla最新开卖了国行版Model S Plaid,百公里加速只要2.1秒,售价100.99万元,将在今年Q2交车。虽说Model S Plaid要花这一百个W看着不少钱,但1020匹马力、百公里加速2.1秒、极速322km...
Tesla 迄今为止推出的最强版Model S —— Model S Plaid 车型的性能十分强悍,官方数据显示了Model S Plaid 配备三电机,最大功率达到750kW(1020匹马力),百公里加速仅2.1秒,十分恐怖。 由于马力过于强大,有车…
The Model S is Tesla's all-electric sedan introduced in 2012. The Long Range version starts at $74,990 and offers 402 miles of range. The Performance version starts at $94,990 and offers 348 miles of range.
Year* 2025 Style, Configuration, Engine Options* Model S Trim* Model S Plaid AWD Overview Model S Plaid AWD Package Includes Price starting at $91,630 Vehicle EPA Classification Large Cars Drivetrain All-Wheel Drive Engine Engine Order Code NA Engine Type and Required Fuel Electric Displacement...
公开消息显示,新款Model S Plaid于今年6月份在特斯拉的美国加州工厂进行首次交付。据悉,该车最高车速达322公里/小时,百公里加速时间仅为2.1秒。不过,特斯拉官方承诺的百公里加速1.99秒还是略有差异的。而美国知名汽车媒体《Mototrend》为了验证其是否能够达到该水平,于是早前对新款特斯拉Modes S Plaid进行了评测。