While the P100D Ludicrous is obviously an expensive vehicle, we want to emphasize that every sale helps pay for the smaller and much more affordable Tesla Model 3 that is in development. Without customers willing to buy the expensive Model S and X, we would be unable to fund the smaller,...
带着一种期待的气氛,Mototrend团队排队等待新款Model S Plaid赛车进行加速测试。而要成为最快速的量产车,新款Model S Plaid首先需要打破2017年由Model S P100D Ludicrous+在同一条赛道上创造的2.28秒百公里加速记录。很快准备就绪,新款Model S Plaid强劲的动力,令其无意外地打破了Model S P100D Ludicrous+创造...
The P100D has the highest capacity battery (100kwh) and the twin motors with rear performance motor (providing AWD). It also gets the famed Ludicrous and Ludicrous Plus modes for warp speed acceleration and a claimed range of 612km between charging. Lesser models get variations of 75 kwh ...
果然,三天之后Tesla发布了旗下最速轿车最速轿车MODEL S P100D的赛车版本,用于投放给电动GT赛事。赛车较标准版P100D车型大幅减重500KG,电池容量100kWh,电机总成最大输出778匹、995牛米,0-96km/h加速仅2秒,0-100km/h为2.1秒,极速250km/h。标准版P100D在Ludicrous模式下0-100km/h为2.5秒。 赛车在悬挂、制动以...
Ludicrous mode是著名电动车制造商特斯拉(Tesla)的车型Model S所具有的一种功能/特性,这种模式能让Model S的0-60 mph加速时间缩短至2.8-2.5秒内。具体来说,Model S P90 D的加速时间为2.8秒,而最新(2016年8月)推出的Model S P100 D为2.5秒。Ludicrous这个单词的意思是:荒唐的,类似于ridiculous。Ludicrous mode可...
The Model S P100D starts at $134,500 and the Model X 100D starts at $135,500. The battery is also available as an upgrade to P90D Ludicrous owners of both models for $20,000.
A Tesla Model S P100D with Ludicrous mode recently battled a modified Porsche Turbo S in an intense, head-to-head drag race. Recently uploaded by YouTube’s resident drag race enthusiast — DragTimes — the race between the electric car and the pedigreed ICE sports car was tense until the...
模式比 Ludicrous 模式还要快。而另一方面,特斯拉已经公布,全新 Roadster 的百公里加速为 2.1 s。
TeslaModelX"LudicrousMode" 0-60MPHin3.3Seconds Alfaromeo4c是个真正意义上的跑车 0-60MPH4.1Secwith237-HP1750TurboAluminumEngine.LearnMore! 237-hp1750TurboEngine·CarbonFiberMonocoque·Rear-WheelDrive Models:4CSpider,4CCoupe,4CLaunchEdition 虽然结果我们早就能猜到,但是被量产型suv跑赢4c还不算最丢脸的,...