costs RMB245,900 (US$34,620), representing a reduction of RMB15,000, or around 6%. Price of the Model 3 Dual Motor All-Wheel Drive version (AWD) dropped RMB11,500 to RMB285,900. Model Y RWD version was cut by RMB7,500 to RMB258,900, and the long range version was reduced by...
For various models and versions, Tesla China's official website shows that the price of Model 3 rear-wheel drive version was reduced from 279,900 yuan to 265,900 yuan and that of the performance version from 367,900...
Tesla(TSLA.US)再于美国减价 入门版Model 3减至不足4万美元 来源:富途牛牛综合 Tesla(TSLA.US)本月第二度在美國減價,最便宜的車型Model 3 Standard Range RWD售價從41,990美元減至39,990美元,而Model 3 Performance的售價則保持不變。Tesla亦將Model Y系列的售價下降3,000至6,000美元,Model Y AWD從49,...
Tesla(TSLA.US)網站顯示,繼美國後,德國Model 3及Model Y的價格亦降低1%至最多17%,整體具體取決於汽車配置而定。Tesla去年第四季交付量遜預期後,公司積極進行減價優惠,美國Model 3及Model Y的減價幅度與折扣前的價格相比下跌6%至20%。
Tesla(TSLA.US)本月第二度在美國減價,最便宜的車型Model 3 Standard Range RWD售價從41,990美元減至39,990美元,而Model 3 Performance的售價則保持不變。 Tesla亦將Model Y系列的售價下降3,000至6,000美元,Model Y AWD從49,990美元降至43,990美元;Model Y Long Range及Model Y Performance亦分別減至49,990...
TESLA大幅调降 Model 3/Y 长租价格,Model 3至低仅$299/月,Model Y至低仅$299/月。 点击查看>> 特斯拉这次又大幅调降长租价格再度拉低了门槛,很可能是年底需要冲销量。而且特斯拉的长租优惠非常的罕见,上次Model Y如此大幅度的优惠还是去年年底的时候($329/月)。而且特斯拉的自动驾驶技术已经相对成熟,...
【特斯拉在加拿大下调Model 3和Y售价】据DriveTeslaCanada消息,特斯拉在加拿大下调了Model3和Model Y的价格, 但上调了Model S和Model X Plaid的价格。将所有版本Model Y的价格下调2000加元,后驱版降至57990加元,长程版降至67990加元,性能版降至74290加元。这是迄今为止Model Y在加拿大的最低价格。特斯拉还将Model3...
The cuts come as Tesla ramps up production at its Shanghai factory, partly reversing price hikes imposed earlier this year. The starting price for the Model 3 sedan was reduced to 265,900 yuan (US$36,727.03) from 279,900 yuan, while that for Model Y sport utility vehicle was cut to ...
来源:富途牛牛综合Tesla(TSLA.US)網站顯示,繼美國後,德國Model 3及Model Y的價格亦降低1%至最多17%,整體具體取