Hello. Need some help with custom lock sounds. holiday update 2023. I can't get a file to show up. My usb drive that came with the car is broken up into TESLACAM and BOOMBOX. My custom boombox sounds are all mp3 and do work in the car. This was formatted on windows way back wh...
Custom Lock Sounds:Replace the horn lock sound of your vehicle with another sound High-Fidelity Park Assist:See a 3D reconstruction of your surroundings while parking LAN Party on Wheels:Play your favorite games on the rear touchscreen Castle Doombad:Castle Doombad now available in the Tesla Arcad...
Just spotted this post on Reddit, where a user found the Tesla app now can schedule service for energy products just like the vehicles: Just noticed Tesla app now has a service option under solar page, wasn’t there previously : teslamotors Sounds like a big step toward better customer serv...
so it sounds like hardware 4 is going to be a dramatic upgrade to the capabilities for FSD, autopilot, safety features, etc. I just got my model x refresh a few months ago with 3K miles on it. would it be crazy/stupid to trade my model x in for a new one that has hardware 4?
Sentry Mode Theft reduction and records activity while parked ✓ Theft Alarm Alarm sounds if doors, trunk or frunk open when locked ✓ Tire Pressure By Tire Shows tire pressure for each specific tire ✓ Tire Pressure Monitoring Warns if tire pressure is low or high ✓Sources...
You can enable or disable the sounds in your vehicle settings at Locks > Lock Confirmation Sound. Zoom Attend video calls with Zoom using the interior cabin camera. Open the app directly, or join meetings from your Calendar. Shift to Park to use participant video and screen sharing. If you...
We took delivery of our Performance Y in May. Last month, when going over any slightly bumpy surface at 40mph+, it developed this high pitched squeaking. Sounds like it coming from the drivers side front wheel well. Service center has no idea and won’t fix it unless reproduced at low ...
Custom Lock Sounds Replace the horn lock sound of your vehicle with another sound— like a screaming goat LAN Party on Wheels Play your favorite games on the rear touchscreen Rear Screen Bluetoothpic.twitter.com/Xl2Q6YgS2b — Tesla (@Tesla)December 8, 2023 ...
- Custom Lock Sounds- Rear screen game supporthttps://t.co/Wd8wrHRKTghttps://t.co/Wd8wrHRKTg— Not a Tesla App (@NotATeslaApp) December 8, 2023 D dansev Member Jan 28, 2020 517 660 Boston Dec 8, 2023 #102 New games? That's it? No new farts? What did I pay all this...
"Internal short AP4 car computer. Sort by date Sort by votes ucmndd Well-Known Member Mar 10, 2016 15,408 30,649 California Dec 23, 2024 #2 lgemme said: Does anyone have any updates on the status of where Tesla is with the "new software update or hardware” Sounds like you...