特斯拉昨天公布的optimus人形机器人的最新动态【特斯拉,tesla,spacex,elon musk,马斯克,人工智能,robot,bot,擎天柱,ai】老萧爱吃火锅 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多173 -- 9:51 App 谷歌发布了机器人专属人工智能——RT2 6247 8 0:43 App 特斯拉人形机器人在Neurips2024上最新表演 #2024...
毫无疑问特斯拉大大加速了人工智能时代的到来,北京时间10月11日上午,在备受期待的特斯拉“We Robot”发布会上,特斯拉CEO埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)向世界展示了公司在自动驾驶和人工智能领域的最新成果。发布会上,特斯拉推出了三款革命性产品:Cybercab、Robovan和Tesla Bot,每一款都以其独特的创新和前瞻性,预示着未来出行...
视频| ELON MUSK UNVEILS "TESLA BOT"看看新闻Knews综合2022-02-09 21:25展开更多相关推荐 更多精彩内容 “私人陪游” 不可“赔”掉安全与规范 00′57″ 一眼看天下 12/16 法国总理府举行交接 弗朗索瓦·贝鲁担任总理 00′14″ 时讯 12/14 马克龙任命新总理 73岁弗朗索瓦·贝鲁履新 00′09″ 一眼看天下 12...
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 13, 2023 Yet even though Optimus’ capabilities are growing, the official release date and pricing have yet to be confirmed, though Musk has stated that the robot will cost “much less than $20,000” to purchase once it is released. Tesla is also curren...
Elon Musk in Iron Man 2 Suitup Scene 00:23 Elon Musk Cameo Scene _ Iron Man 2 00:48 Team America World Police : Meet the Team 03:06 SpaceX reaches orbit with Falcon 1 Flight 4 - including Elon Musk statement 26:29 Tesla Model S Easter Eggs 03:34 OBAMAs Visit to Elon Musk...
然而电影中的情景很可能在短期内成为现实,日前 Elon Musk 正式宣布 Tesla Bot 机器人企划,Tesla 将打造一个身高 172cm、体重 113 斤,行动速度 8km/h 的人形机器人,如图所示,Tesla Bot 有着和电影中非常相似的人形结构,脸部则为屏幕显示,Musk 表示它的出现可以代替人类的体力劳动,如果你愿意,甚至可以帮你上街买...
Tesla Bot’s Expected Release Date Limited production: 2025 Availability for other companies: 2026 Consumer version: TBD And production is slated to start soon. On October 10, 2024, Musk re-iterated the timeline he first suggested in 2023, which would see Optimus go into limited production next...
In a post to X, formerly Twitter, Mr Musk said the robot would be able to “thread a needle” within the next year. Tesla has not yet set an official release date or price for the robot, though early versions will likely be tested on vehicle production lines. A commercial version is ...
But Musk seems to be serious. From my story at Forbes … Presumably Tesla isn’t busy enough building “full self driving” or cars that have half-year waitlists for new buyers. (Or worse: anyone wondering where Cybertruck is?) Now CEO Elon Musk has revealed a new project: Tesla Bot....
Tesla先前曾在其AI Day宣布一项名为Tesla Bot的人形机器人计划,旨在“导航由人类创建的世界”以及能够“消除危险、无聊与重复性的工作”。Tesla创办人兼首席执行官马斯克(Elon Musk)日前接受访问时表示,Tesla Bot可以拥有独特、独立性格,并非只是普通的机器人。马斯克日前接受AI研究学者Lex Fridman访问,表示Tesla Bot...