Use your Tesco Clubcard vouchers to book your trip with P&O from Dover to Calais or Cairnryan to Larne. Find out how to redeem your Tesco Ferry Vouchers today!
Your Clubcard points are turned into Clubcard vouchers. 150 points gives you £1.50 in Clubcard vouchers.
Understanding your first bill Staying in control of extra charges Change the format of your bills How to view your credit agreement and annual statements Overdue bill reminders Clubcard vouchers Your final bill Keep track of your usage In My Account ...
Women's denim Made mindfully Tesco Clubcard About Clubcard Collect point Spend vouchers My Clubcard Account Clubcard Plus Tesco Mobile Pay monthly phones SIM only contracts Pay as you go phones Pay as you go SIMs SIM free phones Online top ups ...
Women's denim Made mindfully Tesco Clubcard About Clubcard Collect point Spend vouchers My Clubcard Account Clubcard Plus Tesco Mobile Pay monthly phones SIM only contracts Pay as you go phones Pay as you go SIMs SIM free phones Online top ups ...
To help us manage the scheme and to make sure all customers are treated fairly, there's a limit of 30,000 Clubcard points (£300 in Clubcard vouchers) for each collection period. The collection period is the time between each of your Clubcard statement
Clubcard points1,3365,344 Clubcard vouchers£13£53 Tesco Reward Partnersup to£26up to£106 That's1864more pointseach year than using your Clubcard alone, just for spending on a Tesco Bank Credit Card. turn£53in vouchers
获取条码:注册成功后,点击APP中的Clubcard,会出现条码。购物时,将条码给店员或自助机器扫描,即可享受会员价。 累积点数:每消费1英镑,会累积1个点数。这些点数可以转换为消费抵用券(Vouchers)。建议看到足够的点数就转换,因为点数有效期只有一个月,而抵用券的有效期为两年。最低150点可以转换为1.5英镑的抵用券。通过...
Use Clubcard points you collect on your Tesco shopping to get money off phones and plans. Find out more Get treats with our Reward Partners. Exchange your Clubcard vouchers for a Reward Partner code to save on meals out, days out, travel and much more… ...
🛒 首先,你可以在官网上免费申请一张Tesco Clubcard,方便快捷。 🏷️ 在超市购物时,留意黄标的会员价商品,享受更多优惠。 💳 购物积分累积:每英镑购物积分1分,例如200分可兑换2英镑。 📅 提前兑换:点击【Turn points into faster vouchers】提前兑换已达金额,但需等待24小时内查看邮箱。