Double the value of your Clubcard points when you use them to pay your bill or buy a new phone! Earn points with Tesco Mobile.
Your Clubcard Pay+ debit card picks up your usual Clubcard points 1 point for every 1 litre of Tesco fuel bought (excluding Esso) Usually 1 point for every 2 litres bought with just a Clubcard 1 point for every £8 spent outside Tesco ...
Complete thetear off or downloadable slipand place your used ink cartridges into the recycling envelope. Return the envelope to your local Tesco store and place into the ink cartridge recycling unit. Choose to collect up to 125 Clubcard points or donate up to £1.25 to charity* ...
Clubcard points1,3365,344 Clubcard vouchers£13£53 Tesco Reward Partnersup to£26up to£106 That's1864more pointseach year than using your Clubcard alone, just for spending on a Tesco Bank Credit Card. turn£53in vouchers
在英国留学期间,Tesco超市成了我的常客。别忘了办理一张会员卡,这样你就能享受到一些商品的会员价。比如,我之前买的一款酸奶,原价3英镑,会员价只要2英镑,是不是感觉赚到了?不过,它的积分系统有点鸡肋,150 points只能抵扣1.5英镑。📱会员办理: 首先,你需要下载Clubcard的app,直接在线上申请即可。不过,我在下载的...
一定要注册TESCO的CLUBCARD会员卡!积分150points可以换£1.5,偶尔还有£40减4或£40减10的活动(具体规则不明,但多买多送)。🍽️ MEAL DEAL套餐: 任意一款三明治+零食+饮料的套餐只需3.4英镑,平均每顿节省三英镑。 还有高级套餐,包括少数几款高级三明治、寿司、饺子等主食,再加上零食和饮料,总共5英镑。...
To help us manage the scheme and to make sure all customers are treated fairly, there's a limit of 30,000 Clubcard points (£300 in Clubcard vouchers) for each collection period. The collection period is the time between each of your Clubcard statement
Use your Tesco Clubcard vouchers to book your trip with P&O from Dover to Calais or Cairnryan to Larne. Find out how to redeem your Tesco Ferry Vouchers today!
Earning Clubcard points Clubcard Prices Clubcard Plus Link your Clubcard To link your phone to your Tesco Clubcard, text CLUBCARD to 28578 free from your Tesco Mobile phone and follow the instructions. Don’t have a Clubcard yet? Join Clubcard now ...
We try to process all Clubcard points as quickly as possible, but sometimes it may take a bit longer. Please allow a few days for your points to show in your Tesco Grocery & Clubcard app or online account. Keep hold of the receipts where points aren’t s