此次手术我院根据患者实际情况采用了新的TES 技术,达到了腹壁疝微创修补的良好效果。 手术前 手术后 TES手术的实施基于腹壁有几处解剖隔断,使得一些解剖空间相互分隔,例如腹白线将左右腹直肌后间隔隔开,半月线将肌后间隙与外侧的腹膜外间...
THE EFFECT OF ASAFETIDA GUM EXTRACT ON BLOOD PARAMETERS AND HISTOPATHOLOGY OF TESTES IN MALE WISTAR RAT Ferula (Ferula assafetida) is a perennial plant which belongs to Umbellifere a family is grow in a wide range of arid and semi-arid regions in Iran.Ferulla... A Ayoubi,J Arshami,R ...
Human colonocytes in primary culture: a model to study epithelial growth, metabolism and differentiation The purpose of this work was to set up an in vitro model for the study of normal and pathological functions of the colonic epithelium. We have isolated col... R Fonti,G Latella,G Bises...