Two English speaking universities, Northern Caribbean University, in Jamaica, and University of the Southern Caribbean, in Trinidad and Tobago, provide the reference from which the seven challenges are drawn. The Seven challenges are: Survival of SDA tertiary schools in the Caribbean, competition with...
Institutions may invest heavily into building and equipping new learning teaching spaces with the intention of encouraging active and collaborative learning to occur. However, there may not be a concomitant shift in teachers閳 xisting p... K Haines,L Maurice-Takerei - University of North Carolina...
Secondary and Tertiary Level Education Institutions and Networks (Lead Countries: Jamaica [...] 通过加强中等和高等教育机构和网 络(牵头国家:牙 买加和巴巴多斯),如在巴巴多斯为 13 名失业男青 年组织技能培训,制订教育和信息计划;支持多媒体 社区传播和信息中心(牵头国家:牙买加),例...
Move to register all tertiary institutionsJamaica Observer